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Femenil Facultad Avanzadas

Last update 05.05.2024 23:24:28, Creator/Last Upload: FerBroca

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Starting rank

1Romero Chapul, Angelica Gi5125120MEX1720FAPSI
2Cabrera Bautista, Valeria Fernanda5133904MEX1716FCQ
3Rivera Campos, Yhajaira Ayaleth5136822MEX1678Nuevo Leon
4Valdes Rodriguez, Zabdi Fernanda5169259MEX1641FAV
5Coronado, Osorio Aida Isabel5136652MEX1631FFYL
6Kronenburg Sanchez, Kyra Vanessa5169232MEX1614FCQ
7Aguirre, Galarza Perla Marisol5163269MEX1584FACDYC
8Gomez, Ruiz Karol Ximena5150302MEX1570FIME
9Floriano, Torres Marcela GuadalupeMEX1518FFYL
10Lopez, Ortega Karen Guadalupe29616182MEX1499Nuevo Leon
11Gonzalez, Flores DevannyMEX1463FMVZ
12Almaguer Rivero, Sugeily AichelMEX0FACDYC
13Puga Martinez, Karla DeyaniraMEX0FOD