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Championnat Regional Individuel 2024 DAMES - Littoral

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.06.2024 11:48:22, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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1Danwe Maissiri Carole,CMR1800
2Dipoko Ebosse Jeanine Victoria,CMR1800
3Fung Abigail,CMR1800
4Mballa Onomo Jacqueline,CMR1800
5Wefang Lucrece,CMR1800
6Moby Mpah Reine,CMR1800
7Moussina Dika Saliya,CMR1800
8Nyemb Regine Manuella,CMR1800DCA
9Ongmessamb Marcelle,CMR1800
10Fendjou Raye Evita Lorena,CMR1800
11Tchouateu Tankeu Stephanie,CMR1800