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#XADREZNOBURGUES XXXVII Torneio Aberto Xadrez LBX In Memorian Queenti Matsuura O Burguês Hamburgueria Loja Bairro Sudoeste Brasília - DF 25/05/2024 ás 15h

Last update 26.05.2024 00:07:31, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Starting rank

1BREITMAN, Nelson Rodrigues530693BRA2357
2VALCARCEL, Vitor Ignacio Dos Santos530051BRA2286
3CAMPOS, Westerley Batista520611BRA2192
4SOARES, Estevao Luiz530050BRA2127
5FELIX, Raimundo Nascimento530028BRA2121
6DIAS, Lucas Sousa534428BRA2110
7DO CARMO, Thiago Souza Lopes530225BRA2104
8MAMEDIO, Felipe291706BRA2075
9DOS SANTOS JUNIOR, Joao Batista Araujo530083BRA2056
10Almeida, Joao Pedro Martins FigueiredoBRA2052
11DA SILVA, Andre Luiz Alves534205BRA1945
12KOZAK, Dalton Demetrio110284BRA1938
13VALCARCEL, Marianne Barbosa530413BRA1897
14DE OLIVEIRA, Rogerio Soares530224BRA1897
15FONTENELE, Edson Guilherme Lopes Santos530055BRA1852
16DE ANDRADE, William Monteiro534434BRA1807
17Camargo, Joao Lucas Alves FerreiraBRA1800
18E Castro, Pedro Rocha AraujoBRA1800
19Reis, Rafael de MoraesBRA1800
20DE JESUS, Thiago Mariano Rey607958BRA1792
21SILVA, Raphael Frota Fontenelle Rocha535519BRA1774