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Worker's Day Rapid Chess Championship 2024

Darrera actualització04.05.2024 22:48:50, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Monafils

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Rànquing inicial

1Sechaba, KhalemaLES1779
2CMJoang, MolapoLES1728
3Koetle, KemohileLES1719
4Libe, SofoniaLES1683
5Mona, MphetoleLES1665
6Mojalefa, NyaneLES1662
7Khiba, SelatelaLES1645
8Caesar, MotalingoaneLES1567
9Sello, TholoanaLES1567
10Tlotliso, MotlhokoaLES1534
11Sechaba, MatoetoeLES1530
12Mathaba, MaraisaneLES1463
13Relebohile, NtaiLES1451
14Abele, MokomaLES0
15Batloung, LeselaLES0
16Chefane, NkhahleLES0
17Karabelo, LeketaLES0
18Kearabetsoe, LebofaLES0
19Keitumetse, LekhoanaLES0
20Khethisa, MolapoLES0
21Khoaelane, KutloanoLES0
22Khopolo, RakotsoaneLES0
23Letsopha, MakhalemeleLES0
24Makhaola, NkhahleLES0
25Malebitsa, LebinaLES0
26Mohale, RasoeuLES0
27Mokheseng, RanchobeLES0
28Moletsane, LitebohoLES0
29Mothibisi, LeteleLES0
30Motlohi, MakhethaLES0
31Palesa, KhumaloLES0
32Putsoa, TumeloLES0
33Ranthako, TlotlisoLES0
34Sekake, MakoaeLES0
35Sentle, PitsoLES0
36Tebello, MatsosoLES0
37Thato, LekhoanaLES0
38Thato, MofoloLES0
39Thato, MoorosiLES0
40Zamele, MpopoLES0