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Last update 04.05.2024 21:59:03, Creator/Last Upload: A.N Gaspar Garcia Morales

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1FMHernandez Jimenez, Alexander Andres3900452VEN2200
2Miranda Talavera, Irving A5111560MEX2113
3FMRamirez Ruacho, Juan Manuel5100402MEX2112Chihuahua
4Sierra Arballo, Jesus5112435MEX1981Chihuahua
5Galaviz Cortes, Pavel5112176MEX1912Chihuahua
6Garcia Morales, Gaspar5115620MEX1878
7Espinoza Torres, David Armando29636825MEX1807Chihuahua
8Martinez Loya, Daniel5136199MEX1762Chihuahua
9Espinoza Rios, Neftali Arm5136105MEX1740
10Olivas, Nevarez David Andres29619521MEX1737Chihuahua
11Mendoza De La Torre, Eduardo Enri5166632MEX1709Chihuahua
12Gardea Coronado, Mayte Alexandra29645956MEX1687
13Nunez Osete, Omar Alejandro29624584MEX1676
14Ordonez, Sanchez Andrea Angelica29628040MEX1671Chihuahua
15Trevizo, Palacios Soid Miguel29619548MEX1666Chihuahua
16Franco Gonzalez, Emilio5182751MEX1665Chihuahua
17Lopez, Saldivar Pablo Alejandro5177979MEX1645
18Bustillos, Armendariz Manuel29621763MEX1608Chihuahua
19Herrera, Sosa LuisMEX1603
20Hernandez, Dominguez EmmanuelMEX1601Chihuahua
21Mendoza, Cordova Miguel Angel29625149MEX1589Chihuahua
22Espinoza, Torres Diana VanessaMEX1566Chihuahua
23Portillo, Cordero Osmar JesusMEX1557Chihuahua
24Hernandez, Lopez SarahiMEX1553Chihuahua
25Morales, Barcelo Michell Sophia29600910MEX1522
26Reyes, Gallardo Leon Ignacio5136270MEX1442Chihuahua
27Hernandez Hernandez, HernandoMEX0
28Rascon Carrera, Eli Alejandro29650968MEX0