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ZCA In-house Beginners April 2024

Senast uppdaterad04.05.2024 12:12:29, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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1Angula, RemigiusNAM0
2Gaoses, AngelNAM0
3Hamutuumwa, GracaNAM0
4Hamutuumwa, KwameNAM0
5Hoaeb, TiroNAM0
6Kaluvi, TangeniNAM0
7Kampembe, MartinNAM0
8Katokele, JadenNAM0
9Kanyemba, SionNAM0
10Muhimba, HololeniNAM0
11Muhimba, MukeweluaNAM0
12Mweshikele, PrimoNAM0
13Ruhaka, NdjereroNAM0
14Shinana, HafeleniNAM0
15Shipanga, NatangweNAM0
16Hamutuumwa, AzariahNAM0