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Pacific Park Sriracha Rapid Chess Open

Last update 04.05.2024 11:46:18, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

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Starting rank

1Suppt-hongs, Paisal6200370THA1981
2Brown,, Geoffrey M446416ENG1823
3Punyanitya, Jirath6207782THA1647
4Saisud, Krit6211380THA1533
5Punyanitya, Prempipath6211704THA1468
6Suwansawaiphol, Nuttaphat6215220THA1448
7Tamrongrat, AttaTHA0
8Eiumchotchawalit, PakrisTHA0
9Ukapatsakul, Pongkhun6209629THA0
10Suppapiphat, SirawatTHA0
11Kalkaeo, Udomsak6217265THA0
12Rojwongsawat, Yatawee6220959THA0