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Circuito Pinto Paiva de Xadrez Blitz Ciclo I 2024 Etapa 3

Last update 04.05.2024 21:53:58, Creator/Last Upload: FederaƧao Bahiana de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1NMEnzo Suzarte Ferreira290936BRA2326
2CMLuciano De Souza Zallio290409BRA2259
3Alberto Silveira Brasil291185BRA2086
4Marlon De Jesus Santos291769BRA1973
5Leandro Dos Santos Gama293118BRA1967
6Luiz Gonzaga Dos Santos Vieira291192BRA1947
7NMAlan Gomes Florencio Santos292855BRA1934
8Marcos Portela Liberato293094BRA1929
9Isao Noguti290465BRA1924
10Danilo Augusto De Athayde Fraga292477BRA1886
11Luciano Martins Fernandes290459BRA1831
12Filipe Bonfim Santos602044BRA1805
13Gabriel Barreto De Albuquerque608385BRA1743
14Carlos Alberto Straatmann290436BRA1739
15Neivaldo Lopes Oliveira601312BRA1652