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Last update 19.08.2024 02:29:07, Creator/Last Upload: GeorgeKauê

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1Alves, Flavio Andre Cardona324542146690BRA19502036VETPorto Alegre
2NMOliveira, Danyel Angelo Aquino450782192080BRA19052051Porto Alegre
3Potiguar, Carlos Lula7092544788878BRA17361786VETPorto Alegre
4Moro, Luiz Osorio P Rosa256272146738BRA16841877VETPorto Alegre
5Jobim, Marcos Vinicios De Azevedo7600144728662BRA16671864Porto Alegre
6Silva, Gabrielle7744144735286BRA15551765wU18Porto Alegre
7Borgmann, Alexandre92244764260BRA15341843VETPerdi Mas Tava Ganho
8Da Silva, Valentina Charlotte7992244761317BRA14551674wU10Porto Alegre
9De Paula, Fernando Telles466842197740BRA01779VETPorto Alegre
10Herzog, Alexandre0BRA00Rolante RS
11Queiroz, Daniela Santos Silveira0BRA00Porto Alegre
12de Paula, Eduardo Fagundes0BRA00Porto Alegre
13Santos, Edward Farias dos84699BRA00U18Guaiba RS
14Krummenauer, Evandro6570944707452BRA00
15Loeser, Felipe0BRA00Feliz
16Dutra, Guilherme Reis0BRA00Porto Alegre
17Beretta, Jenifer Severo0BRA00wPorto Alegre
18Hidalgo, Santiago David Vasquez0BRA00Porto Alegre
19Lima, Vitorio Antônio Cardoso0BRA00Guaíba