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I Torneo de Ajedrez Solidario

Darrera actualització07.05.2024 08:23:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Education license (until 31.12.2024)

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Rànquing inicial

1AGMAngulo Cubero, Oscar6501435CRC2134
2Alvarado Machado, Verny6503403CRC2039
3Avendano Porras, Rodrigo6503357CRC1932
4Espitia Torres, Mateo6508332CRC1911
5Zeledon Perez, Edgar6509851CRC1909
6WIMMorera Campos, Heizel Maria6505910CRC1873
7WCMMorera Campos, Yanori Maria6505473CRC1872
8Herrera Retana, Gerardo6524915CRC1834
9Barrantes Granados, Ian Daniel6518826CRC1811
10AFMAlvarez Mora, Jorge Mario6504515CRC1804
11Mena Vilchez, Ulises6516068CRC1794
12Bejarano Sandoval, Allan6501478CRC1783
13AFMChaves Moya, Nattanahel Alberto333088497CRC1774
14Vargas Briceno, Carlos6509070CRC1762
15Quesada Guevara, Max6525113CRC1717
16Ramirez Hidalgo, Mauricio6558291CRC1667
17ACMHernandez Perez, Javier Francisco63300028CRC1634
18Gonzalez Arguedas, Felipe6523889CRC1632
19Morales Zumbado, Raul6518303CRC1625
20Gonzalez Arguedas, Gabriel6554989CRC1582
21Lezcano Martinez, Christopher6558453CRC1576
22Reyes Sarmiento, Aaron6559271CRC1574
23Guerrero Diaz, Leticia Fiorella6556574CRC1571
24Navas Pereira, Eduardo Kane6563112CRC1557
25Loria Molina, Sofia6556566CRC1543
26Echeverria Rodriguez, Mauricio6562841CRC1497
27Solis Bolanos, Luis Daniel6558313CRC1483
28Ardon Porras, Andres6562825CRC1476
29Solis Rojas, Jose Pablo6550460CRC1449
30Herrera Cajina, Jose Alberto6528562CRC1416
31Abarca Delgado, Michael6564755CRC0
32Alvarado Zamora, Caleb6562981CRC0
33Alvarez Escoto, ElizabethCRC0
34Alvarez Quesada, MauricioCRC0
35Arosemena Acuna, Matias6562990CRC0
36Calderon Sandoval, Matias Esteban6549292CRC0
37Castillo Aragon, Jairo Isaac6565859CRC0
38Cespedes Rodriguez, Luis MichelCRC0
39Chinchilla Valverde, Jose DavidCRC0
40Cruz Badilla, Francisco Antonio6545823CRC0
41Evans Dien, MarianoCRC0
42Jimenez Madrigal, Leonardo6564747CRC0
43Mayorga Jarquin, Jeynar Antonio6565867CRC0
44Noguera Ruiz, Patricia6563201CRC0
45Obando, Jose NemesioCRC0
46Rivera Acosta, Daniel Armando29643864MEX0
47Rivera Ugarte, Luis AdolfoCRC0
48Rodriguez Munguia, Rafael6563236CRC0
49Romero Merino, Walter Rolando6558402CRC0
50Romero Pereira, Thomas David6550630CRC0
51Santhosh, Mithila Lakshmi6563244CRC0
52Torrez, MelvinCRC0
53Vargas Montero, Jorge Arturo6557503CRC0
54Young Zhou, Jason6563252CRC0