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Mai - First Thursday

Last update 02.05.2024 21:26:36, Creator/Last Upload: SK Dornbirn (D.I. Johann Klocker)

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Starting rank

1IMNovkovic, Milan1613103AUT2345
2Cafasso, Elia1669850AUT2148
3WFMNovkovic, Julia12000086AUT2086
4Pribozic, Manuel1657321AUT1871
5Mannsberger, Gerhard1657925AUT1358
6Weissensteiner, PeterAUT1223
7Binder, Leo1677837AUT1102
8Gasser, NorbertAUT1097
9Schmidt, AbelAUT879
10Schmidt, ThomasAUT800
11Alamir, AwaisAUT0