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2024 R&D Developmental Tournament Grade 3

Senast uppdaterad04.05.2024 23:42:49, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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1Mantock, Jordan7408382JAM1271
2Kumar, KavishJAM1137
3Lewis, Joshua7410069JAM1133
4Singh, Samakhya7410280JAM1073
5Grant, Caitlyn7410263JAM1041
6Thomas, Christian7410190JAM1007
7Jones, EliJAM660
8Donaldson, RicorieJAM576
9Allison, JadonJAM0
10Anderson, AkeelJAM0
11Blair, MalakhaiJAM0
12Campbell, Jaydion7408030JAM1135
13Fairweather, AlanyssJAM0
14Johnson, JehmariJAM0
15Mais, JothamJAM0
16Morgan, NathanJAM0
17Noble, NoelleJAM0
18Scott, DaicianJAM0
19Scott, McQuaintJAM0
20Simpson, AlexisJAM0
21Smith, JoshuaJAM0
22Williams, Ru-jeanJAM0
23Rose, DariusJAM0
24Moulton, SarahJAM0
25Guthrie, ZionJAM0