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Chess Week in Przeworsk - Round Robin Tournament GM norm 2024

Seinast dagført04.06.2024 14:34:29, Creator/Last Upload: IA Krzysztof Skiba

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

2GMGalperin, Platon14165414SWE2547
5GMDziuba, Marcin1112953POL2508
9GMStefansson, Hannes2300087ISL2471
8IMRoyal, Shreyas448869ENG2463
1IMMalek, Jan21864080POL2461
3IMFus, Jakub1193023POL2455
10Kozak, Antoni21832030POL2434
4IMBogdanov, Egor14119137UKR2413
6FMSowinski, Pawel21881979POL2392
7GMRomanishin, Oleg M14100088UKR2372