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National Library Above 14 Վերջին արդիացում29.04.2024 19:59:52, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Stratonowitsch, Andre | | SEY | 2154 |
2 | | Nyendwa, Andrew | | SEY | 1800 |
3 | | Bonne, Robin | | SEY | 1700 |
4 | | Masanga, Francis | | SEY | 1700 |
5 | | Nalletamby, Samuel | | SEY | 1700 |
6 | | Senthil, Selvesh | | SEY | 1700 |
7 | | Pillay, Ragul | | SEY | 1633 |
8 | | Esparon, Rico | | SEY | 1500 |
9 | | Pillay, Navin | | SEY | 1500 |
10 | | Ramachandran, Rajaganesan | | SEY | 1500 |
11 | | Senthil, Abirami | | SEY | 1300 |
12 | | Hoarau, Tina | | SEY | 1200 |
13 | | Svedberg, Wilmer | | SEY | 1100 |