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Torneo de ajedrez "Max Euwe" Categoría Secundaria

Senast uppdaterad28.04.2024 22:25:37, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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1Valdez, Montiel AndresMEX1589Sonora
2Berroeta, Rodriguez DiegoMEX1572Sonora
3Esparza, Gonzalez Isaias AntonioMEX1565Sonora
4Guevara, Ontiveros SantiagoMEX1563Sonora
5Tellez, Burquez Marco AntonioMEX1520Sonora
6Tapia, Fonseca EmilioMEX1515Sonora
7Aragon Hernandez, NoeMEX0
8Bernal Lopez, Angel VinicioMEX0
9Diaz Medina, Angel AlejandraMEX0
10Naverrete Gaxiola, XimenaMEX0
11Toro Rodriguez, Pedro MiguelMEX0