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Torneo de ajedrez "Max Euwe" Categoría Preparatoria

Last update 28.04.2024 22:30:53, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Soto, Ibarra Carlos AlejandroMEX1615Sonora
2Leyva Laguna, Haley Judith5185661MEX1543Sonora
3Aranda Daniel, Luis AngelMEX0
4Burgueno Estrada, Pedro DavidMEX0
5Coronado Munguia, Angel EnriqueMEX0
6Escalante Avila, Zaid AlbertoMEX0
7Flores Araujo, Christian AlfonsoMex0
8Murrieta Rivera, Miguel AntonioMEX0
9Nieves Morales, Emma LinethMEX0
10Rodriguez Islava, Carlos JacoboMEX0
11Ruiz Buzane, Luis DavidMEX0