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Torneo Dia del Niño the Coffe Club

Last update 28.04.2024 20:23:00, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Ramos Arciba

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Starting rank

1Guzman Garcia, Mia Fernanda5173639MEX1779Chihuahua
2Maynez, Garcia Joshua EmmanuelMEX1297
3Macias, Mendez Lydia JazminMEX1228
4Brambila, LeonelMEX0
5Hernandez, CyanMEX0
6Jim Hernandez, Jose LuisMEX0
7Lopez, IsabellaMEX0
8Molina Ronquillo, PabloMEX0
9Perez, EliotMEX0
10Resendiz Meza, Jesus AdrielMEX0
11Roman Lopez, NeidelynMEX0
12Valles, Hertor OmarMEX0