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Torneo de ajedrez "Max Euwe"

Last update 28.04.2024 18:09:39, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Aguero, Duarte Carlos ManuelMEX1543Sonora
2Corona, Madrid Eimy RousMEX1502Sonora
3Aguirre, AlanMEX0
4Burboa Meza, Eduardo YarelmiMEX0
5Castillo Lopez, Jose FranciscoMEX0
6Debbaudt Berrelleza, Luis MarcelMEX0
7Dominguez Hernandez, Carlos EduardoMEX0
8Estrada Olivares, Mario AlbertoMEX0
9Gomez Aryoshi, SabinaMEX0
10Herrera Hurtado, Ramon ErardoMEX0
11Jacob Corral, IkerMEX0
12Lopez Moreno, ManuelMEX0
13Martinez Robles, Abril AlexaMEX0
14Melin Casas, CesarMEX0
15Meza Ruelas, Katherin AndreaMEX0
16Ponce Badilla, Danna GuadalupeMEX0
17Romo Juarez, AgustinMEX0
18Salazar Valenzuela, Mayra PatriciaMEX0
19Teran Sanchez, AbrilMEX0
20Trujillo Ramirez, Dario AlejandroMEX0
21Wiley Vazquez, Luis HumbertoMEX0
22Zambrano Borquez, AnaylethMEX0