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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

2024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 10 Open Section

اخر تحديث28.04.2024 14:54:41, منشئ/آخر رفع: Botswana Chess-Federation

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Balotlegi, KafiwaBOT0
2Botlhole, Sephane BokaoBOT0
3Dinake, KagisoBOT0
4Kandamangalam, Ram SarangBOT0
5Makgato, LefikaBOT0
6Malefho, Moamogedi YaoneBOT0
7Manaapelo, ArefaBOT0
8Modibele, AndileBOT0
9Modise, ReatlegileBOT0
10Mokefane, Motseki KopanoBOT0
11Mokefane, Motseki KopanoBOT0
12Morapedi, LetsoBOT0
13Mothobiso, BokamosoBOT0
14Mungure, RaheemBOT0
15Murugan, Arul YuganBOT0
16Nhamo, Prince-KyleBOT0
17Perumalsamy, LogsaranBOT0
18Rajendrakumar, VarunBOT0
19Realeboga, KeaketsweBOT0
20Ruzayi, LegakwaBOT0
21Sanjay, SandeepBOT0
22Seakgosing, KgatontleBOT0
23Selemane, JasonBOT0
24Sibisibi, LegakwaBOT0