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Inter School Chess Tournament Open

Last update 28.04.2024 14:10:43, Creator/Last Upload: sonulrk

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Starting rank

1Adiya, Kumar0
2Akash, Rawat0
3Anil, GairolaIND0
4Ashish, Payal0
5Deepak, Pal Arya0
6Harshit, PokhrialIND0
7HK, PandeIND0
8Kuldeep, Acharya0
9Mohan, Naithani0
10Raj, Joshi0
11Rajan, SoodIND0
12Rohit Singh, RanaIND0
13S., Majahid Hussain0
14SKA, Zaidi0
15Surya Prakash, PokhrialIND0
16Tanmay, Vrijal0