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2024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 12 Open Section

Senast uppdaterad28.04.2024 15:07:14, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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1Boby, AlvinBOT0
2Bogatsu, Tlotlo Kgotla Moroka11327634BOT0
3Chekanai, SamuelBOT0
4George, ElvinBOT0
5Jiao, TongBOT0
6Jose, Justin JoshuaBOT0
7Koloi, EwetseBOT0
8Mabona, LeatlaBOT0
9Manyepedza, NdiyeBOT0
10Maruatona, Onthatile11327359BOT0
11Menon, AkhileshBOT0
12Mogomotsi, Kefentse11329165BOT0
13Mukisa, Samuel Nkuba11324651BOT0
14Ruzayi, LegakwaBOT0
15Sebereko, Asher NonofoBOT0
16Thuso, LeatileBOT0
17Wambiru, JudeBOT0
18Wang, YiboBOT0