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2024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 8 Open Section

Darrera actualització30.04.2024 08:28:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Botlhole, Bigboy KagoBOT0
2Geoffrey, LehakweBOT0
3Geoffrey., LehakweBOT0
4Kabir, DesaiBOT0
5Keofitile, NgwaoBOT0
6Makaja, LetlotloBOT0
7Makakatlelo, Omogolo PhenyoBOT0
8Mallavaram, Abinav ReddyBOT0
9Mokefane,, MorenaBOT0
10Mokefane, MorenaBOT0
11Moses, AoneBOT0
12Motlotlegi, Katlego UsheBOT0