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Kingsway High Prep Championship - 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony01.05.2024 21:13:41, Creator/Last Upload: BrillianceChessEnterprise

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1Sunkara, PranavJAM1191Hopefield Prep
2Darby, RyderJAM1137Hopefield Prep
3Thompson, TejaunJAM1108St. Jude's Primary School
4Bogle, MikhailJAM1056Jessie Ripoll Primary School
5Knight, JhonoiJAM948St. Jude's Primary
6Boodie, TradailJAM736Rousseau Primary
7Nicholson, NicholeneJAM0Kingsway Preparatory School
8Binns, DejuanJAM0Jessie Ripoll Primary School
9Boyne, KalebJAM0New Hope Prep
10Burton, VashawnJAM0Kingsway Preparatory School
11Campbell, KalyssaJAM0Alpha Primary School
12Carter, JessanneJAM0Kingsway Preparatory School
13Davis, Camron-JordanJAM0Alpha Primary School
14Davis, ZendayaJAM0New Hope Prep
15Douglas, ChristopherJAM0Kingsway Preparatory School
16Foster, SaheedJAM0New Hope Prep
17Hall, AlexciaJAM0New Hope Prep
18Hinds, KirstenJAM0Kingsway Preparatory School
19James, KherimaJAM0Alpha Primary School
20Lewis, SavannahJAM0Alpha Primary School
21Maragh, WyattJAM0Alpha Primary School
22Millington, NathanJAM0Alpha Primary School
23Noble, NoelleJAM0Alpha Primary School
24Pusey, NeymarJAM0New Hope Prep
25Smith, EdenJAM0New Hope Prep
26Swaby, ChadJAM0New Hope Prep