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Turnirin təfərrüatlarını göstər

2024 National High Schools Chess Championships Girls Section

Son yeniləmə27.04.2024 22:07:52, Müəllif/Son yükləmə: Chess Federation of Lesotho

Komanda üçün axtarın Axtar

7 turdan sonra yekun sıralama

Rk.SNoKomandaOyunlar  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
113St Stephens HS C660014034,5
26Lesiea HS750210028,5
311Seeiso HS63129127,5
48Masowe HS TC74129124,5
5Leqele HS74038024,5
77Likileng HS C62137221
83Itekeng HS62137018,5
91BB Com HS72236014
104LEMS HS61145021,5
12St Patricks61145021,5
129Molapo HS71335017
1310Rasetimela HS71335016,5

Tay-brek1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tay-brek2: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tay-brek3: points (game-points)