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Catur Cepat Edisi DiesNatalis POLNEP 2024

Վերջին արդիացում27.04.2024 12:55:35, Creator/Last Upload: JAPFA CHESS CLUB

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1A'an Gilfani Gipson,INA0
2Achmad Yani,INA0
3Agim Nastiar,INA0
4Denny Romadhan,INA0
5Desti Septiani,INA0
6Egi Fatriadi,INA0
7Endra Alberto,INA0
8Erlinda Zebua,INA0
9Erwin Permata Zalukhu,INA0
10Hendri Novianto,INA0
11Jonathan Michael R.S.,INA0
13Marlinda Lase,INA0
14Muhammad Afhal Rafiki,INA0
15Odaligo Waruwu,INA0
16Piniari Zalukhu,INA0
17Radithya Pratama,INA0
18Rexi Iswanto,INA0
19Rizky Aditia,INA0
20Rizky Cahyadi,INA0
23Tan Ahmad H.I.,INA0
24Tan Cinta Awila Alsa,INA0
25Vega Putri,INA0
26Wydan Francistion,INA0