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2024 National High School Chess Championships

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.04.2024 21:05:53, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Stan po 6 rundzie

M-sceSNrDrużynaPartie  +   =   -  TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
132Seeiso HS TA660012027
311Lesia HS TA650110028
49Leqele HS TA64119025
541St Stephens HS TB53119024
617Machabeng College TA64119023,5
715Likoena HS TA64028023
20Mazenod HS TA63218023
27New Millenium HS TA64028023
1018Masowe HS TA64028022,5
1125Molapo HS TB64028022
1221Methodist HS TA64028018,5
1333Seeiso HS TB63127022
1426MPA TA63127021
156Itekeng HS TB63127019,5
1624Molapo HS TA63127016
1716Likoena HS TB62226021
39St Patricks HS TB52036021
1931Rasetimela HS TA62226017
34Sefate Sa Bophelo63036017
211BB Com HS TA63036016,5
223BBHS TA63036015,5
5Itekeng HS TA62226015,5
2410Leqele HS TB63036015
2540St Stephens HS TA63036013
2614Likileng HS TB62135018,5
28Potters W EM HS TA62135018,5
2836SHHS TB61325018
2923Mohale's Hoe EM HS TA62135015,5
3022Methodist HS TB62135015
3130Qalo HS TA51044019
3219Masowe HS TB62044016,5
3338St Cyprians50234016
3412Lesia HS TB62044014,5
3513Likileng HS TA51044012,5
3629Potters W EM HS TB62044011
3735SHHS TA50143014,5
382BB Com HS TB60333014
398LEMS HS TB61143011,5
404BBHS TB61143010,5
417LEMS HS TA60242012

TB 1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 2: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
TB 3: points (game-points)