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The Gambia National Championship 2024 Վերջին արդիացում28.04.2024 17:13:24, Creator/Last Upload: gambiachessfederation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Bah, Ebrima | 21100039 | GAM | 2057 |
2 | CM | Sowe, Modou Lamin | 21100241 | GAM | 1921 |
3 | | Kaba, Jimmy Ebrahima | 21100357 | GAM | 1883 |
4 | | Nyan, Ismaila | 21100080 | GAM | 1862 |
5 | | Singhateh, Ousman | 21100462 | GAM | 1860 |
6 | | Ceesay, Buba Omar | 21100802 | GAM | 1848 |
7 | | Jallow, Mustapha | 21100349 | GAM | 1836 |
8 | | Jallow, Abdourahman | 21100810 | GAM | 1833 |
9 | | Mboob, Habib | 21100179 | GAM | 1825 |
10 | CM | Garber, Ousainou | 21100306 | GAM | 1818 |
11 | | Jallow, Jalamang | 21100128 | GAM | 1761 |
12 | | Riley, James Mathew | 21100705 | GAM | 1731 |
13 | | Trawally, Momodou | 21100195 | GAM | 1731 |
14 | | Mendy, Momar | 21100403 | GAM | 1675 |
15 | | Dabo, Muhammed Mustapha | 21100721 | GAM | 1617 |
16 | | Nyang, Sait | 21100284 | GAM | 0 |