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IRT Blitz Tampico III Absoluta

Last update 27.04.2024 03:08:30, Creator/Last Upload: arbiterfelipesalazar

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Starting rank

1Morales Quezada, Jose Guad5116406MEX1938
2Montero Gonzalez, Karla5107504MEX1913
3Perez Sanchez, David5181810MEX1813
4Ostos Vazquez, Nicolas5188334MEX1779
5Santos De La Garza, Mauricio Alej5190320MEX1766
6Reyes Miranda, Hector29622611MEX1744
7Aradillas Montalvo, Hilarino5198321MEX1741
8Trevino Martinez, Carlos5189330MEX1594
9Alejos Aradillas, MikhailMEX0
10Cabrera Rangel, Rodrigo29645662MEX0
11Cruz Compaen, Eddy De Jesus5151112MEX0
12Reyes Arvizu, Hector Sebastian29622700MEX0
13Trevino Vela, MauricioMEX0