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A Special Edition of the Liberia Chess Federation's weekly tournament series (The Friday Knight Jam) for the promotion of the upcoming 2024 Zone 4.2 Individual Chess Championships to be held in Monrovia, Liberia.

The prizes for this edition of the FKJ are provided by the Local Organizing Committee of the 2024 Zonal.

Friday Knight Jam Special Edition for Zone 4.2 Promotion (April 26, 2024)

Il sito e stato aggiornato il30.04.2024 22:37:35, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: LCF_National

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Elenco giocatori per sorteggio

1Joel, O. Ebiekuta22600671LBR2020
2David, Leroy Debblay22600876LBR2014
3FMBarcon, Harmon22600078LBR2004
4Bobby, Ballah22600531LBR1974
5Thomas, Saah22600094LBR1968
6Wallace, O. Williams22601058LBR1955
7Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo22600647LBR1954
8Arnold, Smith22600558LBR1930
9FMJacob, Jallah22600124LBR1924
10James, Tondo22600132LBR1921
11CMDaniel, Kolliemelen22600086LBR1920
12Foday, W. Kondoh22600167LBR1913
13CMJohn, Jallah22600140LBR1908
14Archie, Dayyeah22601244LBR1894
15CMAbraham, Kalokoh22600264LBR1892
16Obediah, Saah22600914LBR1872
17Alfred, J. Kollie22600515LBR1871
18Cornelius, K. Wreh22601090LBR1871
19Leroy, D. Thompson22601686LBR1851
20Sambola, Kemo K.22600043LBR1849
21Abigail, Karyah22601147LBR1835
22Miller, Moore22600736LBR1830
23Georgina, Sackie22601708LBR1828
24Joe, Warwo22602348LBR1812
25Karyah, Thomas22600108LBR1807
26Prince, Jegbadai22600523LBR1780
27Joshua, Nador22601988LBR1776
28Younnie, Sheriff22600922LBR1765
29Alex, Wenyou22602356LBR1746
30Israel, Sambola22601511LBR1709
31Harris, Zubah22602208LBR1679
32Joseph, P. Flomo22602372LBR1679
33Okai, A. Beauford22600434LBR1675
34Elijah, Thomas22602496LBR1641
35Matthew, Page22602364LBR1618
36Lynn, A. Browne22602976LBR1552
37Montel, Moses22602470LBR1542
38Dmentrous, Gizee22601457LBR1530
39Kemvee, H. Sambola22601287LBR1441
40Bedell,, Benjamin22602500LBR0
41Fiador, Zion22603395LBR0
42Kollibah, Moses D.22603328LBR0
43Mcdonald, Brooks22600868LBR0
44Samuel S. Binda,22603310LBR0
45Phillip, Thomas22602550LBR0
46Wleh, Arthur22603379LBR0
47Varfee, Holmes22602275LBR1635
48Marcus Allen, Jr22601210LBR1775
49James, Sorsor22600760LBR1817
50Hne, Arthur22601821LBR1561
51Suah, Musu22602135LBR0
52George, Karngar22603409LBR0
53Junior, Taylor22602569LBR1470
54Binda, William F.22603360LBR0