Нота: Како би смањили рад сервера дневним уносом свих линкова на претраживача попут Гоогле-а, Иахоо-а и Цо-а, сви линкови за турнире старије од две недеље (време завршетка турнира) приказати ће се након клика на следећу тастер:
покажи податке о турниру
A Special Edition of the Liberia Chess Federation's weekly tournament series (The Friday Knight Jam) for the promotion of the upcoming 2024 Zone 4.2 Individual Chess Championships to be held in Monrovia, Liberia.
The prizes for this edition of the FKJ are provided by the Local Organizing Committee of the 2024 Zonal. Friday Knight Jam Special Edition for Zone 4.2 Promotion (April 26, 2024) Последња измена30.04.2024 22:37:35, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National
Листа по носитељству
Бр | | Име | ФидеИД | ФЕД | Ртг |
1 | | Joel, O. Ebiekuta | 22600671 | LBR | 2020 |
2 | | David, Leroy Debblay | 22600876 | LBR | 2014 |
3 | FM | Barcon, Harmon | 22600078 | LBR | 2004 |
4 | | Bobby, Ballah | 22600531 | LBR | 1974 |
5 | | Thomas, Saah | 22600094 | LBR | 1968 |
6 | | Wallace, O. Williams | 22601058 | LBR | 1955 |
7 | | Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo | 22600647 | LBR | 1954 |
8 | | Arnold, Smith | 22600558 | LBR | 1930 |
9 | FM | Jacob, Jallah | 22600124 | LBR | 1924 |
10 | | James, Tondo | 22600132 | LBR | 1921 |
11 | CM | Daniel, Kolliemelen | 22600086 | LBR | 1920 |
12 | | Foday, W. Kondoh | 22600167 | LBR | 1913 |
13 | CM | John, Jallah | 22600140 | LBR | 1908 |
14 | | Archie, Dayyeah | 22601244 | LBR | 1894 |
15 | CM | Abraham, Kalokoh | 22600264 | LBR | 1892 |
16 | | Obediah, Saah | 22600914 | LBR | 1872 |
17 | | Alfred, J. Kollie | 22600515 | LBR | 1871 |
18 | | Cornelius, K. Wreh | 22601090 | LBR | 1871 |
19 | | Leroy, D. Thompson | 22601686 | LBR | 1851 |
20 | | Sambola, Kemo K. | 22600043 | LBR | 1849 |
21 | | Abigail, Karyah | 22601147 | LBR | 1835 |
22 | | Miller, Moore | 22600736 | LBR | 1830 |
23 | | Georgina, Sackie | 22601708 | LBR | 1828 |
24 | | Joe, Warwo | 22602348 | LBR | 1812 |
25 | | Karyah, Thomas | 22600108 | LBR | 1807 |
26 | | Prince, Jegbadai | 22600523 | LBR | 1780 |
27 | | Joshua, Nador | 22601988 | LBR | 1776 |
28 | | Younnie, Sheriff | 22600922 | LBR | 1765 |
29 | | Alex, Wenyou | 22602356 | LBR | 1746 |
30 | | Israel, Sambola | 22601511 | LBR | 1709 |
31 | | Harris, Zubah | 22602208 | LBR | 1679 |
32 | | Joseph, P. Flomo | 22602372 | LBR | 1679 |
33 | | Okai, A. Beauford | 22600434 | LBR | 1675 |
34 | | Elijah, Thomas | 22602496 | LBR | 1641 |
35 | | Matthew, Page | 22602364 | LBR | 1618 |
36 | | Lynn, A. Browne | 22602976 | LBR | 1552 |
37 | | Montel, Moses | 22602470 | LBR | 1542 |
38 | | Dmentrous, Gizee | 22601457 | LBR | 1530 |
39 | | Kemvee, H. Sambola | 22601287 | LBR | 1441 |
40 | | Bedell,, Benjamin | 22602500 | LBR | 0 |
41 | | Fiador, Zion | 22603395 | LBR | 0 |
42 | | Kollibah, Moses D. | 22603328 | LBR | 0 |
43 | | Mcdonald, Brooks | 22600868 | LBR | 0 |
44 | | Samuel S. Binda, | 22603310 | LBR | 0 |
45 | | Phillip, Thomas | 22602550 | LBR | 0 |
46 | | Wleh, Arthur | 22603379 | LBR | 0 |
47 | | Varfee, Holmes | 22602275 | LBR | 1635 |
48 | | Marcus Allen, Jr | 22601210 | LBR | 1775 |
49 | | James, Sorsor | 22600760 | LBR | 1817 |
50 | | Hne, Arthur | 22601821 | LBR | 1561 |
51 | | Suah, Musu | 22602135 | LBR | 0 |
52 | | George, Karngar | 22603409 | LBR | 0 |
53 | | Junior, Taylor | 22602569 | LBR | 1470 |
54 | | Binda, William F. | 22603360 | LBR | 0 |