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2nd National Youth UNDER - 12 Girls Chess Championship, 2024

Last update 19.05.2024 08:37:16, Creator/Last Upload: Karpov Chess Club - Karachi

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Starting rank

1Aayat Asmi,7810776PAK0
2Aria Bhatti,111105424PAK0
3Ayesha Kanwal,7834268PAK0
4Eshal Fatima,7833008PAK0
5Fariha Muneeb,7833903PAK0
6Fatima Zulfiqar,7829167PAK0
7Gul E Rumaan,7833652PAK0
8Hajra Ahmed,7829302PAK0
9Haniya Shabkhez,7832621PAK0
10Humna Kamran Butt,7832966PAK0
11Kiswah Malik,7834446PAK0
12Maheen Latif,7827903PAK0
13Maira Ammar,7833741PAK0
14Syeda Haania Gardezi,7822430PAK0
15Syeda Zahra Gardezi,7822421PAK0
16Waaniya Zainab,7833024PAK0
17Warisha Samaviya,7833997PAK0
18Zuha Fatima,7831730PAK0