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Olimpiada Nationala a Sportului Scolar - Bucuresti - gimnaziu - fete

Last update 23.02.2013 13:09:11, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Starting rank

1IMarica Ruxandra-IoanaROU1536Sect. 2 - Sc. 46
2IIJidovu Alexandra-IrinaROU1253Sect. 1 - Lic. N. Iorga
3IIOtetea IoanaROU1206Sect. 2 - Sc. 30
4IIBanzea Izabela-GeorgetaROU1174Sect. 2 - Sc. 46
5IIRacu Ioana-AlexandraROU1064Sect. 4 - Sc. A. Iancu
6IIILovin CarmenROU1046Sect. 1 - Lic. G. Enescu
7Alexandrescu DianaROU1001Sect. 6 - Sc. 117
8Ghica Maria-AlexandraROU1001Sect. 6 - Sc. 59
9Gogoasa IuliaROU1001Sect. 3 - Sc. 70
10Cheran Karina IoanaROU1001Sect. 1 - Lic. P. Ispirescu
11Mihet Olivia-TeodoraROU1001Sect. 5 - Sc. 280
12Moraru VladaROU1001Sect. 3 - Sc. 195
13Nicolescu Maria MadalinaROU1001Sect. 4 - Sc. 36
14Simonescu Ana-MariaROU1001Sect. 4 - Sc. 79
15Stefanescu IzabelROU1001Sect. 5 - Lic. Odobleja
16Vlasceanu DenisaROU1001Sect. 3 - Sc. 196
17Voinescu Malina-OanaROU1001Sect. 6 - Sc. 197