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Last update 23.04.2024 19:29:28, Creator/Last Upload: Edén López Martínez

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Starting rank

1Moreno, Samayoa Hector IvanMEX1585Chiapas
2Caracheo, Perez Jose LeonardoMEX1581Chiapas
3Garrido, Tipacamu GabrielMEX1505Chiapas
4Acuna Sanchez, Julio JonasMEX0
5Aguilar Castellanos, Cristian de JesusMEX0
6Caracheo Perez, Erick IsaacMEX0
7Garcia Guzman, DiegoMEX0
8Gutierrez Gamboa, Gloria EstephaniaMEX0
9Guzman Castro, David ReynolMEX0
10Hernandez Martinez, Kenet UrielMEX0
11Mazariegos Utrilla, Azucena CarolinaMEX0
12Ramirez Honorato, Gustavo AlexisMEX0
13Somer Velazquez, Hector EmilioMEX0
14Suarez Ayala, MarioMEX0
15Trejo Roman, Kevin AntonioMEX0
16Vera Ovando, Adolfo AngelMEX0