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National Team Selection Finals- Open Section

Last update 05.05.2024 14:01:57, Creator/Last Upload: Monafils

Starting rank list of players

3CMKlaas, Tokelo21300020LES1869
8Tsephe, Lebajoa21302197LES1859
2Bokang, Motsamai21301441LES1783
9Thabang, Mphane21301549LES1731
5Ntsonyana, Bahlakoana21302103LES1705
6Katleho, Phakisi21303088LES1701
10Ramakabane, Refuoe14317311LES1689
7George, Mahommed21302898LES1686
11Karabo, Mokete21303622LES1678
1Kananelo, Nkalimeng21302855LES1654
4Khama, Letsatsi21302243LES1645
12Siyabonga, Sibeko21303380LES1642