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There is a 7 round ECF rated Blitz on the Saturday night 19:45 approx, this is open to Congress players only and limited to 60. 3min + 2 sec increment.

2nd Lancaster Standard Play Congress 2024 - Open

Posledná aktualizácia 13.08.2024 14:43:50, Creator/Last Upload: Freshwak

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Štartová listina

1Boswell, Jacob Connor427110ENG02324
2Wall, Tim P401641ENG02320
3Arnott, Jonathan W408077ENG02259
4Jakhria, Kushal497444ENG02193
5Surtees, Mike J412619ENG02162
6Mcatear, Jacob BENG02110
7Mclean, Robert434922ENG02101
8Daryanto, Ahmad464988ENG02059
9Hymer, Barry J452238ENG01996
10Seery, Philip T343401473ENG01964
11Cook, Michael-Antony4233352GRE19621962
12Mckiernan, James343438890ENG01955
13Ackley, Peter414824ENG19512038
14Kershaw, Ewan343408605ENG01950
15Mcmenamin, Danny343405878ENG01943
16Vann, Richard P428019ENG01917
17Lampard, Alice2402750SCO01910
18Cukovs, Oleg415227ENG19031960
19Lyth, John D415278ENG01868
20Wynarczyk, Raymond415081ENG01863
21Hariharan, Shambavi488160ENG18591955
22Nastase, Andreea1221183ENG01855
23Wilson, Matthew R423459ENG01840
24Sykes, Chris2401649SCO18141920
25Gillings, Matt343454240ENG01760
26Richmond, Frank343411100ENG16781882