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ukáž detaily turnaja
There is a 7 round ECF rated Blitz on the Saturday night 19:45 approx, this is open to Congress players only and limited to 60. 3min + 2 sec increment. 2nd Lancaster Standard Play Congress 2024 - Open Posledná aktualizácia 13.08.2024 14:43:50, Creator/Last Upload: Freshwak
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | EloF | EloN |
1 | | Boswell, Jacob Connor | 427110 | ENG | 0 | 2324 |
2 | | Wall, Tim P | 401641 | ENG | 0 | 2320 |
3 | | Arnott, Jonathan W | 408077 | ENG | 0 | 2259 |
4 | | Jakhria, Kushal | 497444 | ENG | 0 | 2193 |
5 | | Surtees, Mike J | 412619 | ENG | 0 | 2162 |
6 | | Mcatear, Jacob B | | ENG | 0 | 2110 |
7 | | Mclean, Robert | 434922 | ENG | 0 | 2101 |
8 | | Daryanto, Ahmad | 464988 | ENG | 0 | 2059 |
9 | | Hymer, Barry J | 452238 | ENG | 0 | 1996 |
10 | | Seery, Philip T | 343401473 | ENG | 0 | 1964 |
11 | | Cook, Michael-Antony | 4233352 | GRE | 1962 | 1962 |
12 | | Mckiernan, James | 343438890 | ENG | 0 | 1955 |
13 | | Ackley, Peter | 414824 | ENG | 1951 | 2038 |
14 | | Kershaw, Ewan | 343408605 | ENG | 0 | 1950 |
15 | | Mcmenamin, Danny | 343405878 | ENG | 0 | 1943 |
16 | | Vann, Richard P | 428019 | ENG | 0 | 1917 |
17 | | Lampard, Alice | 2402750 | SCO | 0 | 1910 |
18 | | Cukovs, Oleg | 415227 | ENG | 1903 | 1960 |
19 | | Lyth, John D | 415278 | ENG | 0 | 1868 |
20 | | Wynarczyk, Raymond | 415081 | ENG | 0 | 1863 |
21 | | Hariharan, Shambavi | 488160 | ENG | 1859 | 1955 |
22 | | Nastase, Andreea | 1221183 | ENG | 0 | 1855 |
23 | | Wilson, Matthew R | 423459 | ENG | 0 | 1840 |
24 | | Sykes, Chris | 2401649 | SCO | 1814 | 1920 |
25 | | Gillings, Matt | 343454240 | ENG | 0 | 1760 |
26 | | Richmond, Frank | 343411100 | ENG | 1678 | 1882 |