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2024 Scholastics Under 13 Championship

Last update 21.04.2024 23:14:00, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1Farley, JerimiahBAR1640
2Jaikaran, AaronBAR1591
3Reifer-Belle, ChazBAR1485
4Stuart, CharisBAR1401
5Alleyne, NathanBAR0
6Barker, AadanBAR0
7Boyce, RhonanBAR0
8Bushell, NyalBAR0
9Culpepper, KaylaBAR0
10Culpepper, NathanBAR0
11Doeman, AidonBAR0
12Fergusson, MakedaBAR0
13Gaskin, DominiBAR0
14Greaves, ZiedeBAR0
15Harris, XolaniBAR0
16Harvey, IanBAR0
17Herbert, JaedaBAR0
18Kitic, NikolaBAR0
19Little, SavionBAR0
20Ratteray, JacobBAR0
21Singh, AidanBAR0
22Tash, AaronBAR0
23Tash Turton, AndrewBAR0
24Warner, SebastianBAR0
25Watson, EthanBAR0