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Wellness Chess Tour GP extra és XII. Prémium Nemzetközi Sakkverseny Budapest Holiday Beach Hotel**** aug. 1-4

Last update 04.08.2024 18:28:17, Creator/Last Upload: Attila Kása

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Starting rank

1FMVarga, Csaba Zoltan724335HUN2198
2Kerek, Krisztian707562HUN2147
3Boros, Krisztian Levente17014360HUN2127
4AIMHelenyi, Zoltan17010764SRB2048S60
5Gubics, Peter705063HUN2035
6Petervari, Szabolcs780758HUN2035
7Csabai, Viktor738522HUN2017
8Fellegi, Zoltan723789HUN2014
9Fecske, Csaba795119HUN1970
10Budai, Akos17015111HUN1954
11Kocsis, Tihamer757861HUN1952
12Harkanyi, Gergely17001889HUN1929U18
13Nagy, Daniel784974HUN1919U18
14Puskas, Mihaly17003202HUN1918U18
15Toth, Rafael17007828HUN1901U18
16Somos, Mate793841HUN1893
17Kertesz, Aron Borsa778397HUN1888U18
18Shen, Yiyun17003504HUN1885U18
19Harkanyi, Adam17001870HUN1851
20Deak, Laszlo702650HUN1846S60
21Schmied, Erik Rajmund17012678HUN1819U18
22Hegedus, Bernat17012732HUN1815U18
23Tagai, Marton17009731HUN1814U18
24D Albini, Geza710814HUN1809S60
25Zakar, Adam779229HUN1804U18