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Perez Escamilla Alexander Darien Torneo practica SmB Absoluta

Վերջին արդիացում20.04.2024 21:30:27, Creator/Last Upload: AO Pedro Esparza

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1GMJose Eduardo Martinez Alcantara3805662MEX2603
2GMPerez Luis Ernesto Quesada3520773CUB2567
3GMGilberto Hernandez Guerrero5100011MEX2507
4GMJuan Carlos Obregon Rivero3507815MEX2496
5GMJuan Carlos Gonzalez Zamora3507548MEX2480
6GMKevin Joel Cori Quispe3814017MEX2468
7GMManuel Leon Hoyos5105269MEX2465
8IMSion Radamantys Galaviz Medina5123119MEX2439
9GMLuis Fernando Ibarra Chami5105048MEX2431
10FMJulio Cesar Diaz Rosas5105099MEX2404
11IMSebastian Felipe Sanchez4403304COL2400
12IMRoberto Calderin Gonzalez5102979MEX2396
13Alexander Darien Perez Escamilla29625289MEX1843