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Registrations of participants should be done by filling the online registration formKaissa Chess Grand Prix 2024 -2nd leg (12th May) Վերջին արդիացում12.05.2024 13:05:57, Creator: Cyprus Chess Federation,Last Upload: SIMBA TRAINERS
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Տիպ |
1 | | CM | Antoniou, Rafail | 5904390 | CYP | 2096 | |
2 | | CM | Savva, Panikos | 5900077 | CYP | 2002 | |
3 | | | Papadopoulos, Gerasimos | 4218612 | GRE | 1827 | |
4 | | | Skouroupathis, Kyriakos | 5908981 | CYP | 1693 | U12 |
5 | | | Grigoriev, Alexander D | 34446133 | FID | 1600 | U12 |
6 | | | Kyriakides, Andreas | 5905320 | CYP | 1600 | |
7 | | | Mylonas, Fotis | 5911656 | CYP | 1597 | |
8 | | | Daniil, Christodoulos | 5906598 | CYP | 1595 | U12 |
9 | | | Murali, Aurik | 5909457 | CYP | 1539 | U12 |
10 | | | Bannoura, Daniel | 5909546 | CYP | 1514 | U12 |
11 | | | Migutskiy, Mark | 5913136 | CYP | 1497 | |
12 | | | Pafitis, Raphael | 5911745 | CYP | 1444 | |
13 | | | Antoniou, Andreas | 5909040 | CYP | 1428 | U12 |
14 | | | Reznikov, Andrey | 55722733 | FID | 1428 | U12 |
15 | | | Kyriakides, Stylianos | 5911354 | CYP | 1426 | U12 |
16 | | | Kiselev, Mikhail | 5912148 | CYP | 1405 | |
17 | | | Aaryan, Chaitas Shah | 429081785 | IND | 0 | U12 |
18 | | | Bannoura, Husam | | CYP | 0 | |
19 | | | Belyaev, Ivan | 55869874 | FID | 0 | U12 |
20 | | | Constantinou, Paris | 5912849 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
21 | | | Dyudeev, Dmitry | 44152000 | FID | 0 | |
22 | | | Gorbunov, Alexander | 336105321 | FID | 0 | |
23 | | | Grigorjev, Dmitriy Den | 55889549 | FID | 0 | U12 |
24 | | | Kanat, Assanali | 447037423 | KAZ | 0 | U12 |
25 | | | Klesnins, Artemijs | 11643820 | LAT | 0 | U12 |
26 | | | Klesnins, Daniils | 11643862 | LAT | 0 | |
27 | | | Miron Costin, Sebastian | 5912601 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
28 | | | Mouskou, Giorgos | | CYP | 0 | U12 |
29 | | | Mylonas, Alexios | 5912903 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
30 | | | Nikolaidis, Stylianos | | GRE | 0 | |
31 | | | Picolos, Antonios | 5911940 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
32 | | | Radin, Marat | 5910986 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
33 | | | Sharma, Avyukt | | CYP | 0 | U12 |
34 | | | Sokolov, Tomofei | | FID | 0 | |
35 | | | Stefanos, Constantinos | 5911303 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
36 | | | Symeou, Symeon | 5913101 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
37 | | | Vanezis, Stylianos | 336105386 | CYP | 0 | |
38 | | | Vasilev, Mikhail Vl. | 55819800 | FID | 0 | |
39 | | | Vasileva, Anna | 55819796 | FID | 0 | U12 |