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Mamhead Cup

Last update 20.04.2024 18:33:14, Creator/Last Upload: Devonchess

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Starting rank list

1IMRudd, Jack405736ENG2320Barnstaple
2Hampton, Paul Dj473316ENG2116Seaton
3Underwood, Jonathan Wr425877ENG2070Seaton
4Brusey, Alan W406880ENG1989Teignmouth
5Goldschmidt, Martin343412602ENG1981Totnes
6Collins, Chris MENG1931Brixham
7Blackmore, Joshua P453510ENG1909Newton Abbot
8Thynne, Trefor F419893ENG1905Newton Abbot
9Kumar, RamanENG1894Exeter
10Brooks, Paul459186ENG1891Newton Abbot
11Ingham, H William451096ENG1858Teignmouth
12Howard, Charles VENG1825Totnes
13Cooper, Harvey343403948ENG1813Barnstaple
14Pope, Sean422100ENG1800Exeter
15Wills, Jack343412211ENG1791Newton Abbot
16Whittington, Reece W459771ENG1763Exeter
17Howells, MilesENG1718Barnstaple
18Manning, EllisENG1663Newton Abbot
19Smith, JackENG1634Teignmouth
20Ellis, Alexander343438733ENG1606Exeter
21Harris, William FENG1595Sidmouth
22Henry, IanENG1546Teignmouth
23Edwards, DavidENG1499Barnstaple
24Randhawa, RonitENG1454Newton Abbot
25Hocking, TobyENG1436Teignmouth
26Liggatt, CliveENG1359Totnes
27Fox, TimENG1345Seaton
28Pasupulety, ShreyasENG0Exeter