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Senast uppdaterad20.04.2024 16:15:17, Creator/Last Upload: FSHK

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1Gashi, Gani22103813KOS1681
2Tishuki, Daut22102744KOS1557
3Berisha, Xhafer22103821KOS1536
4Ymeri, Rinor22102760KOS1529
5Avdurrahmani, ValonKOS0
6Axhia, MuminKOS0
7Balaj, isufKOS0
8Hoxha, Daut22103805KOS0
9Krasniqi, BekimKOS0
10Krasniqi, PerparimKOS0
11Morina, FitimKOS0
12Yllka, BerishaKOS0