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9th Osaka Wine Cup Rapid

Last update 18.05.2024 09:01:18, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Takayasu / N05332007, MelodyJPN1589
2Wolter / N09237193, NoahJPN1506
3Yokota / N03746489, YoshiakiJPN1473
4Matsubara / N02157753, DaiJPN1413
5Hirukawa / N04165137, YoshitomoJPN1241
6Yoshizawa / N03392350, KazufumiJPN1184
7Nakahodo / N04835411, ShionJPN859
8Filip / N09861415, ConstantinJPN594
9Kondo / N07759473, MakiJPN0
10Marusaki / N08046799, RioJPN0
11Mauss / N06620277, HirokiJPN0
12Tsubaki / N05760109, YutoJPN0
13Wolter / N00891112, TakaJPN0