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Spring Rapid Chess Open 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.04.2024 23:26:04, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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1CMYoung, Christopher33100039CAY1835
2Tracey, Shaun419052CAY1796
3Dimitrov, Lyubomir33100071CAY1703
4Evers, Laurie33100721CAY1655
5Tiwari, Laxmi Narayan45086281IND1614
6Bush, Enfield7404662CAY1599
7Dookhy, Sastry33100349CAY1493
8Sinton, Luc33100098CAY1484
9Martin, Israel33100292CAY1481
10Belanger, Jean-Philippe33100730CAY0
11Giannini, Mauro7404816CAY0