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2024 Welsh Rapidplay Championship Posledná aktualizácia 20.04.2024 20:15:21, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | IM | Camacho Collados, Jose | 2265427 | WLS | 2334 |
2 | FM | Toczek, Grzegorz | 1106457 | WLS | 2156 |
3 | FM | Kett, Tim | 1801210 | WLS | 2088 |
4 | | Brown, Thomas | 1801430 | WLS | 2068 |
5 | CM | Bullen, Alex | 1801627 | WLS | 2020 |
6 | AGM | Van Kemenade, Rudy | 410942 | WLS | 2008 |
7 | | Jones, Derek | 1803344 | WLS | 1984 |
8 | | Jukes, Sam | 1803182 | WLS | 1903 |
9 | | Davies, Callum | 1806300 | WLS | 1879 |
10 | | Harding, Gareth | 1804839 | WLS | 1869 |
11 | | Williams, Duncan | 1805592 | WLS | 1869 |
12 | | Chong, Kimberly | 1804723 | WLS | 1860 |
13 | | Hurn, Robert Aj | 1801929 | WLS | 1814 |
14 | | Westcott, Dale | 1806017 | WLS | 1791 |
15 | | Powell-Jones, Liam | 1806807 | WLS | 1756 |
16 | | Gale, Michael | 1807498 | WLS | 1728 |
17 | | Korovski, Georgi | | WLS | 1697 |
18 | | Prabhu, Vismith | 1806475 | WLS | 1637 |
19 | | Enoch, Stuart | 1806238 | WLS | 1620 |
20 | | Hammett, Scott | 1803948 | WLS | 1582 |
21 | | Winter, Angus B | | WLS | 1500 |
22 | | Gorman, Claire | 1806696 | WLS | 1446 |
23 | | Reckless, Mark | | WLS | 1215 |
24 | | Jenkins, Ethan | | WLS | 950 |
25 | | Francis, Emyr-Wyn | | WLS | 850 |
26 | | Hill, Glyn | | WLS | 850 |
27 | | Bebb, Callum | | WLS | 0 |
28 | | Richards, Joshua | | WLS | 0 |
29 | | Thomas, Kevin | | WLS | 0 |
30 | | Winter, Chase | | WLS | 0 |