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2024 Welsh Rapidplay Championship

Last update 20.04.2024 20:15:21, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank list

1IMCamacho Collados, Jose2265427WLS2334
2FMToczek, Grzegorz1106457WLS2156
3FMKett, Tim1801210WLS2088
4Brown, Thomas1801430WLS2068
5CMBullen, Alex1801627WLS2020
6AGMVan Kemenade, Rudy410942WLS2008
7Jones, Derek1803344WLS1984
8Jukes, Sam1803182WLS1903
9Davies, Callum1806300WLS1879
10Harding, Gareth1804839WLS1869
11Williams, Duncan1805592WLS1869
12Chong, Kimberly1804723WLS1860
13Hurn, Robert Aj1801929WLS1814
14Westcott, Dale1806017WLS1791
15Powell-Jones, Liam1806807WLS1756
16Gale, Michael1807498WLS1728
17Korovski, GeorgiWLS1697
18Prabhu, Vismith1806475WLS1637
19Enoch, Stuart1806238WLS1620
20Hammett, Scott1803948WLS1582
21Winter, Angus BWLS1500
22Gorman, Claire1806696WLS1446
23Reckless, MarkWLS1215
24Jenkins, EthanWLS950
25Francis, Emyr-WynWLS850
26Hill, GlynWLS850
27Bebb, CallumWLS0
28Richards, JoshuaWLS0
29Thomas, KevinWLS0
30Winter, ChaseWLS0