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Circuito FEXEG 2024 Xadrez STD Etapa 2 Itumbiara

Posledná aktualizácia 26.05.2024 03:14:34, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Štartová listina

1FMMandetta, Joao Danilo25173212292823562318C.X. Santos
2Labussiere, Yago43902218696921832235U20Avulso
3Pimenta, Heitor Castelar Britto699154475779418941826U16Uberlandia Mg
4Rezende, Uelton Fabricius Alves100213909018691996Jatai
5Franca Junior, Jairo384215081618321908S50Fexeg
6Luz, Heitor Carvalho22123212563317831810Jatai
7Ribeiro, Thiago Liberato521002273333717731881Itumbiara
8Da Silva, Caua Borges Leite692414470172117551831U16Apan Goias Itumbiara
9Melo, Pedro Igor Goncalves700204470178017171795U16Apan Goias Itumbiara
10De Morais, Pedro Castro838884476957101800U14Goiania
11Flauzino, Felipe Marques8525601800U12Apan Goias Itumbiara
12Pereira, Rogerio Lucas Miranda692464470180201800U18Apan Goias Itumbiara
13Florezano, Maria Fernanda Santos701584470176401738U10Apan Goias Itumbiara
14Da Silva, Fabio De Moraes Vaz764874473197301712Cx Rio Verde
15Araujo, Ana Vitoria Garcia8664001800U12Apan Goias Itumbiara
16Brandao, Antonio Barbosa6364201800U18Uberlandia Mg
17Ferreira, Henzo Gabriel Martins8727201800U12Cemti Jose Gomes Pereira
18Medeiros, Luiz Henrique Ferreira8726801800U14Cemti Jose Gomes Pereira
19Ribeiro, Heitor Santos8726301800U10Cemti Jose Gomes Pereira
20Rodrigues, Any Karoline Fernandes8664101800U12Apan Goias Itumbiara
21Santos, Sophia Nunes8726901800U10Cemti Jose Gomes Pereira