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Paladins Chess Club
Founded 1968

35th Open Tournament

Paladins Kenneth Phillips International Open

Darrera actualització30.04.2024 03:16:17, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

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Rànquing inicial

1IMSingh, Vishnu7700946TTO2144
2FMJoseph, Marcus7700393TTO2137
3CMSoondarsingh, Dev7700954TTO2026
4Duncan, Leonard7700180TTO1870
5Siewdass, Tristan7709340TTO1823
6Samuel Bisnath, Kael7706880TTO1770
7Bowles, Andrew7700237TTO1765
8Munroe-Brown, Brad7703260TTO1676
9Primus, Prince7700725TTO1672
10Maynard, David7703716TTO1632
11AFMRajkumar, Daniel143105003TTO1577
12Haynes, Trevor7708130TTO1564
13Austin, Angelo7712340TTO1547
14Austin, Adrianna7712251TTO1545
15Maharaj, Kevin7705573TTO1527
16Ramdial, Gabriel7709870TTO1501
17Vassell, Isaiah7712421TTO1493
18Bassasnt, Zac7710682TTO1412
19Maharaj, Kyle7707533TTO1326
20Daniel, Cristiano7713525TTO0
21Haynes, Anthony7708700TTO0
22Vieira, Chad7710690TTO0
23Vieira, Tzion7710160TTO0