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Tunisian Individual Championship 2024

Last update 27.04.2024 13:51:58, Creator/Last Upload: Salam HAMMOUDA

Starting rank list of players

4FMAmdouni, Zoubaier5500419TUN2207
6Barbaria, Yacine5501245TUN2192
3CMBen Ammar, Mohamed5502012TUN2142
2FMNouali, Mohamed5502462TUN2134
1IMMeftahi, Houssem5501660TUN2126
10Ben Ghanem, Hamed5501261TUN2122
5Jmila, Omar5500605TUN2107
7CMTaieb, Sahbi5500770TUN2081
8Bahria, Mohamed Helmi5507375TUN2058
9Mezni, Elyes5516900TUN1887