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Villa Yayabo Abierto

Last update 19.04.2024 23:27:25, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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Starting rank

1Torres Oramas, Yordan Fred3536980CUB1798
2Perez Beltran, Cristian Daniel3537927CUB1782
3Cuevas Perez, Yoan Francisco3502180CUB1730
4Pupo Guerra, Naile3537048CUB1708
5Pena Perez, Jorge Alberto3525317CUB1692
6Leon Infante, Brayan3536173CUB1678
7Torres Oramas, Jonathan3534600CUB1678
8Marcos Zerquera, Sergio Luis3536971CUB1673
9Linares Fernandez, Cesar Ernesto3536785CUB1644
10Gonzalez Gomez, Emmanuel3536068CUB1579
11Diaz Zamora, Miguel Gabriel3537986CUB1528
12Valdivia Cazalvilla, Jared David3537994CUB1509
13Rodriguez Perez, Jose R3537803CUB1477
14Gonzalez Gomez, Samuel3536076CUB1422
15Perez Beltran, Orlando GlicerioCUB0
16Perez Lemas, Luis ManuelCUB0
17Soto Perez, LorenaCUB0
18Vasconcelos Navarro, AnlyCUB0