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Trofeo Neptuno 2013 (74265)

Last update 23.02.2013 00:06:12, Creator/Last Upload: ASENSIO FERRARI, Enrique

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Starting rank

1Linale Moreira EricESP2032Bal
2Valls Casas JordiESP2018Bal
3Astorga Talavera Juan ManuelESP1969Bal
4Nadal Marti Bernardo PedroESP1951Bal
5Oliver Marquet JuanESP1862Bal
6Nadal Bestard SebastianESP1861Bal
7Oliver Font Jose LuisESP1827Bal
8Trillo-Figueroa Vidal AntonioESP1744Bal
9Carranza Pons Ricardo NelsonESP1701Bal
10Abrines Sampol LorenzoESP1691Bal
11Diez Cabeza VicenteESP1665Bal
12Asensio Ramos DiegoESP1550Bal
13Castell Cantero Jose JuanESP1521Bal
14Rossello Sanchez BartolomeESP1372
15Centro Gamundi JordiESP0